Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things to Love about PR

There is a mild buzz of Valentine spirit in the office and chocolates being passed around. In honor of the "holiday" I give you:

Things I love about public relations:
1. Media. I love that my job necessitates me keeping up with the latest media developments, reading blogs, searching the internet, and skimming magazines.
2. Netvibes. A new discovery (thank you, PR Newswire seminar) that collects RSS feed from blogs and sites of my choice. An oh-so-easy way to keep up with non-stop news feeds.
3. Writing. As a former English major and lover of the written word, what more could I ask from a job than to be required to write, write, write all day long.
4. Creativity. For pitching stories, promoting clients, and generating excitement for a product. There's always a newer, better, smarter way to tell the story. You just have to be creative enough.
5. Dress. Representing yourself, your firm, and your client, dressing well is a requirement of the job. If you're a clothes-lover like me, being expected to look great is a great added bonus.
6. People. Communicating with people -- clients, press, your audience -- is a integral part of the job. A great story or unique product won't get you anywhere if you can't express it.
7. Facebook, myspace, linkedin. Exploring how people present themselves in this unique forum. Watching as the platform evolves from personal to professional to...

What do you love about the industry? What are the best parts of your job?

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